Spot - Grow Your Partner Portal with These Seven Capabilities

Spot’s partners are very satisfied with their 24/7, self-service Magentrix Partner Portal for Salesforce.

Grow Your Partner Portal with These Seven Capabilities

Founded in 2015, Spot (formerly Spotinst) automates multi-cloud workloads to improve performance, reduce complexity and lower compute infrastructure costs. Obsessed with customer success they’ve experienced phenomenal growth, both direct and through channel partners, which became challenging to onboard, educate and manage those partners.

Business Challenge

Advanced channel partner programs use enablement as their guiding principle. This encompasses registering leads and deals, co-managing approved opportunities, knowledgebases as well as the ability for partners to consume sales and technical materials related to their approved mix of sellable solutions.

“The first thing we did was gather feedback from everyone in any role that interacted in any way with our partners. Business intelligence, finance, process teams and partner channel managers all gave us great feedback. The number one requirement across the board was advanced and flexible Salesforce integration as that is our system of engagement,” said Assaf Antebi, Global Sales Operations at Spot.

Amiram Shachar, founder and CEO of Spot, tapped the cross-functional partner portal team to investigate available options in-market. This included a process, gap, and detailed feature analysis. After eliminating a number of portal vendors the decision came down to one of two finalists. Magentrix was selected primarily due to the following seven capabilities:

The Magentrix Solution

Powerful Salesforce integration
One of the most advanced integrations in-market, Magentrix’s API to Salesforce is second to none. Any standard or custom object, managed package or bolt-on can be accessed or even changed depending on a user's security privileges, all presented in an elegant web portal. Spot was particularly impressed by the fact that Magentrix is able to do this without duplicating a single record in Salesforce.

Lead layouts
Presenting information in a visually appealing way is critical to any user experience and Spot was very cognizant of this. Administrators can use out-of-the-box tools to drag and drop page layouts and meet any requirements. Partner users can also make minor changes if they feel it would improve their personal productivity. This hands-off approach reduces barriers, eliminates clicks and serves as a foundation for digital transformation.

Eye of the partner
Channel teams at Spot love the ability to see the portal through a partner’s eyes. When creating roles and groups of users who log in to the system, Magentrix allows administrators to login as any user. This simple feature becomes extremely powerful as nothing beats putting yourself in the actual experience users will have logging in.

Spotinst Partner Portal

Who’s using and how?
Usage reports provide enormous value to the Spot team. Every channel partner user experience can be tracked. Both by logins as well as how many times they access a particular document in the portal.

The customer is always right
Exceptional products go hand-in-hand with exceptional service and this is an area where Magentrix’s true colors shine. Whenever Spot has a question help is just a couple rings of a phone call away.

Implementation with a smile
Spot had a very critical timeline to go live by. By partnering with the Magentrix team they were able to get up and running in less than two weeks. Going live is typically not scheduled on Sunday but in Israel that is a working day. “Magentrix provided fantastic customer support and account management. They were more than happy to accommodate our scheduled Sunday launch. No hesitation in any question we had, which is precisely how we work with our clients and expect from our vendors,” said Antebi.

Empowered partners sell more
Spot’s partners are very satisfied with their 24/7, self-service Magentrix Partner Portal for Salesforce. Their entire experience has been streamlined making channel partners more effective managing their day-to-day activities. One theme has permeated throughout their community is document management. Spot empowers their sales division and the channel team builds on top of that momentum for partners with updates to various documents consistently. These could be sell sheets, technical materials or powerpoint presentations. When updated, they see the updates through a newsfeed when they log in to the portal or can be automatically notified of changes.

Customer transformation is the new, gold standard for business and Spot is on the forefront of empowering its employees and channel partner teams to take them collectively to the next level.